Publication in the newspaper « La Libre Belgique »

« Les oubliés du Covid » my work with Médecins Du Monde Belgique on La Libre Belgique. © OLIVIER PAPEGNIES


Les oubliés du Covid
Belinda is housed at Tondreau stadium, the football stadium in Mons, and suffers from a chronic neurological disease. She was evicted from the squat where she was living. She is the mother of two large foster children and is in a bad mood. « Fortunately an educator found a way for me to talk to them on the phone, » she says with tears in her eyes, waiting for her turn at the medical consultation. She is one of 25 people at the stadium today. 20 men and 5 women, representing all age groups. Belgium, Mons, May 15, 2020. © OLIVIER PAPEGNIES